Heal the City is fortunate to have numerous wonderful volunteers. To manage the influx of applications we have created a new process to accept volunteers. Heal The City is currently accepting volunteers who are able to commit to at least 6 months of service. The clinic has specific volunteer opportunities available each quarter, which are listed below. Heal the City hosts monthly orientations for new volunteers.
To begin the application process, please contact Heal the City via email at volunteers@healthecityamarillo.com to be sent an application and receive more information.
Once processed, our volunteer coordinator will reach out with further instructions about the orientation process.
Be at least 18 years of age, unless approved by the clinic director
Pass a criminal background check
Complete HIPAA training
Submit immunization record, if applicable
Current Opportunities
Evening Front Desk Attendant
Greet patients as they come in for evening classes and workouts and direct them to the FIT center​
Floor Attendant
Wipe down equipment periodically and help patients with any questions they have about exercise and equipment. Assist with other cleaning duties needed.​
Hope Garden
Tend and water our community garden located across from Door 2 (front entrance)​
Help with cleaning the FIT Center on a weekly basis. Take care of laundry and other custodial tasks​
Spiritual Care
Pray with patients during the week and work with our Chaplin Margie Gonzales ​
Teaching Wellness Classes
If you have a certain skill for which you would like to teach classes, please contact our Wellness Coordinator. We are always looking for new wellness classes and instructors ​
Translators ​​
We are in need of regular translators in Spanish every day for classes. Topics include exercise, nutrition, disease-specific education​
Food Ministry - HTC provides food for our providers and volunteers who commit their evening to serving our patients.
Ladies Auxiliary - A group of women that collaborate together that support the clinic in various ways.
Pharmacy Technicians - Help the pharmacist prepare and dispense medication (certification required).
Gardening/Groundskeeper - We have a collaboration with Snack Pak 4 Kids to provide fresh produce for our patients.
Host an event that benefits the Clinic!